About Me

My Journey of Capturing Life's Most Precious Moments.

I developed a passion for photography in my childhood, and this passion has taken me on incredible journeys, including the opportunity to travel and capture moments even in Antarctica. My journey evolved from being a photographer to studying at Sheridan College, where I delved into the art of documentary filmmaking, a fascination that continues to drive me.

One of the most precious moments in my filmmaking journey was creating a birth film for my older sister. Among the hundreds of films I’ve made, this one stands out because it allows me to relive the indescribable emotions every time I watch it. The moment her baby cried for the first time, and the love and joy in my sister and brother-in-law’s eyes as they looked at their newborn and each other—it’s a feeling that fills my heart with warmth.

Today, I’m fully immersed in the world of birth as a certifying Doula through DONA International and a Birth Photographer with Birth Becomes Her. I’m delighted to have found my true passion. Behind the lens, I’m in my element, using my creativity and a calm, gentle nature to respectfully tell the story of love in its purest form—a journey I’ve found profoundly moving.

My Quirks

Uncovering the random me

my quirks

Uncovering the random me

My Values

This is my philosophy on...

While in film school I fell in love with a documentary film style called Dogme 95. Its raw, unfiltered approach to storytelling deeply resonated with me, and I think that’s why I love to document births. Dogme 95 emphasized natural lighting,  capturing the genuine emotions, pain, and joy experienced without staging and unnecessary embellishments. Through this method, I can capture something so genuine that when you watch it it feels like you are there.

Entering the birthing space is a profound experience for me, one that I approach with the utmost reverence and respect. To me, it is a sacred sanctuary, akin to stepping into a place of worship, whether it be a church or a temple.

With my camera in hand, my primary focus is on capturing every moment with a delicate grace that mirrors the sanctity of the space itself. I understand that the birthing process is a deeply personal and transformative journey, one that deserves to be documented in a way that honors its significance.

In the midst of your birthing rhythm, I aim to be a silent observer, a gentle presence that remains unobtrusive. My goal is to blend into the background, allowing you to remain fully immersed in the experience, undisturbed by the act of documentation.

Through my lens, I strive to capture the essence of your journey, preserving the raw and unfiltered emotions, the strength, and the beauty of this sacred moment. Your story is a testament to the incredible power of life and love, and I am deeply honored to be entrusted with the task of preserving it in a way that reflects the sanctity it holds.

As a doula, I hold a deep and unwavering belief in the power of support, empathy, and empowerment during the transformative journey of childbirth. My philosophy as a doula is rooted in the following principles:

  1. Empathy and Compassion: I believe in the profound importance of empathy and compassion in the birthing process. Every individual’s experience is unique, and it’s my role to offer unwavering emotional support and understanding. I strive to create a safe and nurturing space where you feel heard, respected, and cared for.
  2. Informed Choice: I am a staunch advocate for informed choice. I believe that every person has the right to make decisions about their birth based on accurate information and their personal values. My role is to help provide evidence-based information, empowering you to make choices that align with your desires and values.
  3. Holistic Support: Pregnancy and childbirth encompass not only physical but also emotional and spiritual aspects. I approach doula work holistically, recognizing that the mind and spirit are just as vital as the body. I support you in nurturing your emotional well-being, helping you connect with your inner strength and wisdom.
  4. Non-Judgmental Support: My philosophy is grounded in non-judgmental support. Regardless of your birth plan, choices, or circumstances, I am here to support you without bias or criticism. Your journey is yours, and my role is to provide encouragement and assistance without judgment.
  5. Advocacy: My role is to empower you with the tools, information, and encouragement needed for you to effectively communicate with your healthcare team. I will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to express your preferences and make informed decisions collaboratively with your medical professionals. Your voice matters, and I am here to help amplify it.
  6. Respect for Cultural Diversity: I embrace and celebrate the diversity of cultures and backgrounds. Your cultural beliefs and practices are integral to your birthing experience, and I honor and respect them.
  7. Postpartum Support:  My commitment to you doesn’t end with the birth of your child. After sharing such a transformative journey together, we’ll forever be connected by the profound experience of childbirth. Looking at the birth photos and videos that I captured can be a tremendous source of comfort and healing during the postpartum period. These visual memories serve as a powerful reminder of your incredible strength and the love that surrounded you during this special moment. They can provide solace, helping you process the experience and cherish the beauty of those first moments with your newborn. I’ll ensure that you have these cherished mementos to look back on, serving as a reminder of the incredible journey you’ve embarked upon. You can count on me to be a source of ongoing encouragement, knowing that our connection goes beyond the birth, creating a lasting bond of trust and shared memories.

In summary, my philosophy as a doula revolves around creating a sacred, supportive, and empowering space for your birthing journey. It’s about ensuring that you are at the center of your experience, making informed choices, and feeling the strength, love, and respect that surround you as you welcome new life into the world.

Always around for you

Certified Birth Photographer

My Service Location

Whether it’s a home birth, a hospital delivery, or any unique birthing environment, I’m dedicated to documenting the remarkable moments in Englewood Colorado, South Denver, Greenwood Village, Southwest, Rosedale, Cherry Hills Village, Sheridan, Bow Mar, Littleton, South Platte, Arapahoe Acres, Wellshire, University Park, Lakewood, Southglenn, and Gledale. If I did not list your area but you would still like to work with me please reach out. Where there’s a will there’s a way!  

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